Become a Member

Companies, universities, organizations, and individuals can be members of the Austin AI Alliance. While many Austin AI Alliance activities, events, and online resources are open to everyone, certain events and all collaborative projects are for Alliance members. However, any company/organization with a presence in the Austin area--the city and its 10 surrounding counties–can request membership. For a company, organization, school, etc. that becomes a member, all employees/staff are eligible for the benefits of its membership type. Individuals who work or reside (part-time or full-time) in the Austin area may also become members.

  • Connect with AI leaders, innovators, and fellow professionals through our exclusive events and projects, and foster meaningful relationships that accelerate your success. 

  • Gain discounted attendance and speaking opportunities at cutting-edge AI conferences and workshops. Participate in events that showcase your talents and capabilities, making it easier to find partners, customers, and clients within a collaborative ecosystem.

  • Partner with fellow members on impactful projects addressing real-world AI challenges. As a 501(c)(6), you can pursue external funding more quickly, including large grants and multi-organizational initiatives, accelerating innovation and growth.

  • Enhance your expertise with specialized training sessions, educational resources, and mentorship opportunities.

Choose a Level

Full Member

from $300.00 every 12 months
  • Attend all meetings and events of the Alliance (including all persons associated with the Full Member), at free or discounted rates

  • Lead and participate in Working Groups, Initiatives, and Projects

  • Use the Alliance logo in marketing materials

  • Have your logo and website featured in the Alliance website and materials

  • Govern by serving on the Board of Directors, voting in elections, and voting on funding through a Voting Representative

  • Non-profits use code NONPROFIT for a 50% discount

  • The main membership class for the Alliance as defined in the Alliance bylaws. Responsible for leading and executing the Alliance efforts (governance, events, working groups, initiatives, projects) that fulfill the mission, vision, and strategic objectives of the Alliance.

    Full Members may be any company, educational institution, government agency, non-profit organization, or other legal organizational entity or formal division/unit of such an entity. Full Members must have at least one employee and/or facility in the Austin region, defined at the City of Austin and the 10 surrounding counties: Bastrop, Blanco, Burnet, Caldwell, Fayette, Hays, Lee, Llano, Travis, and Williamson.

    Enter code NONPROFIT for a 50% discount for public sector government, education, and non-profit organizations. All organizations are subject to review.

Associate Member

$125.00 every 12 months
  • Attend all meetings and events of the Alliance (including all persons associated with the Associate Member), at free or discounted rates

  • Participate in Working Groups, non-funded Initiatives, and Projects

  • Use the Alliance logo in marketing materials

  • Non-profits use code NONPROFIT for a 50% discount

  • Organizations that wish to participate in most of the activities of the Alliance but are not currently interested, suited, or able to be Full Members. Most Associate Members are likely to be professional organizations, AI special interest groups and meetups, non-profit groups, and other associations.

    Associate members do not have voting or governing rights, or the right to participate in collaborative funding proposals except by special invitation, but they may attend all Alliance meetings and most events and may participate in (but not lead) working groups and initiatives (but not funded projects except by invitation). Associate Members must be based in the Austin region. Associate Members may also use the Alliance logo.

    Enter code NONPROFIT for a 50% discount for public sector government, education, and non-profit organizations. All organizations are subject to review.

Individual Member

$40.00 every 12 months
  • Attend all meetings and events of the Alliance at free or discounted rates

  • Participate in Working Groups, non-funded Initiatives, and Projects

  • Professionals and other persons who want to be able to attend most Alliance events. They may not vote, serve on the board, or participate in projects, but they can attend most meetings and events and may participate in working groups.

    Individual Members must work or reside part-time or full-time in the Austin region. Individual Members may claim Individual Membership in the Alliance, but not use the Alliance logo.

Do you have a question about becoming a member or require an invoice? Contact us!